Source code for rstview.views

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from django.conf import settings
from django.views.generic import TemplateView
from django.utils.safestring import mark_safe

from rstview import parser

[docs]class RstViewInvalidException(Exception): """ Excepion to be raised when RSTFileView usage is incorrect. """ pass
[docs]class RSTFileView(TemplateView): """ Parse and render a reStructuredText file from given path. Example: .. sourcecode:: python from django.conf.urls import url from rstview.views import RSTFileView urlpatterns = [ url(r'^basic/$', RSTFileView.as_view( doc_path="/home/foo/basic/input.rst", doc_title="Basic sample" ), name='sample-view-basic'), ] Attributes: template_name (string): Template file to render. Default to ``rstview/fileview.html``. doc_title (string): Optionnal document title. Default to ``None``. doc_path (string): Path to a reStructuredText file, it is recommended you use an absolute path. This is the only required argument you must allways define. Default to ``None``. doc_parser_class (object): A parser class from ``rstview.parser``. Default is ``rstview.parser.RstExtendedRenderer``. doc_parser_silent (bool): Enable to override default *silent mode* behavior. Default value is the same as ``settings.RSTVIEW_PARSER_SILENT``. doc_parser_bodyonly (bool): If ``True``, parser will only return the rendered content, this is the default behavior. Default is ``False``. doc_parser_opts_name (string): Name of an option set from ``rstview.settings.RSTVIEW_PARSER_FILTER_SETTINGS``. Default to ``default``. """ #: Default template template_name = "rstview/fileview.html" doc_title = None doc_path = None doc_parser_class = parser.RstExtendedRenderer doc_parser_silent = settings.RSTVIEW_PARSER_SILENT doc_parser_bodyonly = True doc_parser_opts_name = 'default'
[docs] def get_document_title(self): """ Get document title from ``RSTFileView.doc_title`` Returns: string: Document title. """ return self.doc_title
[docs] def get_parser_opts(self): """ Return parser options. Returns: dict: Options to give to ``parser.SourceParser``: * ``setting_key``: from class attribute ``RSTFileView.doc_parser_opts_name``; * ``silent``: from class attribute ``RSTFileView.doc_parser_silent``; * ``body_only``: from class attribute ``RSTFileView.doc_parser_bodyonly``; """ return { 'setting_key': self.doc_parser_opts_name, 'silent': self.doc_parser_silent, 'body_only': self.doc_parser_bodyonly, }
[docs] def get_source(self): """ Return file source from given path in ``RSTFileView.doc_path``. Raises: rstview.views.RstViewInvalidException: If ``RSTFileView.doc_path`` is not defined. Returns: string: File content. """ if not self.doc_path: raise RstViewInvalidException(("RSTFileView.doc_path must be " "defined")) with open(self.doc_path, 'r') as fp: source = return source
[docs] def render_source(self, source): """ Parse given source and return result as safe for django template. Use ``RSTFileView.get_parser_opts()`` to get and give options to parser. Args: source (string): reStructuredText markup to parse. Returns: string: Rendered source from parser. """ parser = self.doc_parser_class() output = parser.parse(source, **self.get_parser_opts()) return mark_safe(output)
[docs] def get_context_data(self, **kwargs): """ Expand template context with some document related variables: doc_title The given document title. doc_source Source from given filepath. doc_html Rendered source from parser. doc_parser_opts_name Name of an option set from ``settings.RSTVIEW_PARSER_FILTER_SETTINGS``. Returns: dict: Context variables expanded with variables. """ context = super(RSTFileView, self).get_context_data(**kwargs) source = self.get_source() rendered = self.render_source(source) context.update({ 'doc_title': self.get_document_title(), 'doc_source': source, 'doc_html': rendered, 'doc_parser_opts_name': self.doc_parser_opts_name, }) return context