Source code for rstview.parser

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

Some helpers around **docutils** parser to easily parse reStructuredText markup
with some options.

    This module try to load the pygment directive if available, so you don't
    need to load it from your code if you want to use Pygment to highlight code
import copy

from django.conf import settings
from django.utils.encoding import smart_str

from docutils import utils
from docutils.utils import error_reporting
from docutils.core import publish_parts

from rstview.html5writer import SemanticHTML5Writer

# Safely try to load and register directive if Pygments is installed
    import rstview.directives.pygments_directive  # noqa: F401
except ImportError:

# Store some methods we may need to monkeypatch during parsing (sic), so we
# mirror it to safely turn back to them.
_original_docutils_system_message = utils.Reporter.system_message
_original_docutils_output_write = error_reporting.ErrorOutput.write

[docs]class RstBasicRenderer(object): """ Basic interface around **docutils** to parse and render reStructuredText markup. This follows the legacy behaviors of **docutils** parser, that means: * Parser errors and warnings are inserted inside the rendered source; * Errors and warnings are pushed to the standard output; Example: .. sourcecode:: python :linenos: >>> from rstview.parser import RstBasicRenderer >>> renderer = RstBasicRenderer() >>> renderer.parse("Lorem **ipsum** salace") <p>Lorem <strong>ipsum</strong> salace</p> """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): pass
[docs] def get_options(self, name, initial_header_level=None, silent=settings.RSTVIEW_PARSER_SILENT): """ Load the given option set name and possibly update some option from given keyword arguments. Args: name (string): Name of an option set from ``settings.RSTVIEW_PARSER_FILTER_SETTINGS``. Keyword Arguments: initial_header (int): To modify option ``initial_header_level``. silent (string): If ``True``, will push the parser reporter level to the lowest verbosiy so errors and warnings are ignored. Default value is the same as ``settings.RSTVIEW_PARSER_SILENT``. Returns: dict: Options to give to Docutils parser. """ # Avoid to tamper settings using a deepcopy parser_settings = copy.deepcopy( settings.RSTVIEW_PARSER_FILTER_SETTINGS[name] ) parser_settings.update(settings.RSTVIEW_PARSER_SECURITY) if silent: parser_settings.update({'report_level': 5}) if initial_header_level: parser_settings['initial_header_level'] = initial_header_level return parser_settings
[docs] def get_writer_option(self): """ Get the writer option for parser config depending it's ``html4`` or ``html5``. Returns: dict: A dict containing the right writer option name and value. """ if settings.RSTVIEW_PARSER_WRITER == 'html5': return { 'writer': SemanticHTML5Writer(), } else: return { 'writer_name': "html4css1", }
[docs] def parse(self, source, setting_key="default", body_only=True, **kwargs): """ Parse reStructuredText source with given options. Args: source (string): reStructuredText source to parse. **kwargs: Arbitrary keyword arguments to give as options to ``RstBasicRenderer.get_options()``. Keyword Arguments: setting_key (string): Name of option set to use from ``settings.RSTVIEW_PARSER_FILTER_SETTINGS``. body_only (string): If ``True``, parser will only return the rendered content else it will return the full dict from Docutils parser. This dict contains many datas about parsing. Default is ``True``. Returns: string or dict: Depending from ``body_only``, it will be a rendered content as a string or a dict containing datas about parsing (rendered content, styles, messages, title, etc..). """ opts = { 'source': smart_str(source), 'settings_overrides': self.get_options(setting_key, **kwargs), } # Switch between html4/html5 writer opts.update(self.get_writer_option()) parts = publish_parts(**opts) if body_only: return parts['fragment'] return parts
[docs]class RstExtendedRenderer(RstBasicRenderer): """ Extended interface for next generation usage This promotes the extended behaviors: * Parser can be used to validate markup out of rendered document; * Nothing is printed out on standard output; **docutils** parser is a bit touchy to use programatically, so we need to apply some monkey patchs before and after parsing. Example: .. sourcecode:: python :linenos: >>> from rstview.parser import RstExtendedRenderer >>> renderer = RstExtendedRenderer() >>> renderer.parse("Lorem **ipsum** salace") <p>Lorem <strong>ipsum</strong> salace</p> >>> rendered.is_valid() True >>> rendered.get_messages() [] """
[docs] def is_valid(self): """ Only to be used after parsing Returns: bool: True if no errors, else False """ return not(self.messages)
[docs] def format_parsing_error(self, error): """ Format error message datas to a message line. Args: error (tuple): Message error returned by reporter contain four elements: line number, error code and message. Returns: string: Formatted message. """ lineno, code, message = error return settings.RSTVIEW_ERROR_TEMPLATE.format( code=code, lineno=lineno, message=message )
[docs] def parse(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Proceed to parsing for validation We apply *monkey patchs* on two **docutils** methods, parse source then *unmonkey*. Everytime validation is processed, messages are reseted so it should be safe enough to use the RstExtendedRenderer instance for many documents. Once done you can access raw error messages datas from instance attribute ``messages`` or use ``RstExtendedRenderer.get_messages`` to have formatted message lines. Returns: string or dict: Depending from ``body_only``, it will be a rendered content as a string or a dict containing datas about parsing (rendered content, styles, messages, title, etc..). """ # Ensure the list is cleaned before each validation self.messages = [] def system_message(instance, level, message, *children, **kwargs): # Instance original method else nodes are bugged result = _original_docutils_system_message(instance, level, message, *children, **kwargs) # Store any warnings/erros in a global list so they can be used out # of rendered document if level >= instance.WARNING_LEVEL: self.messages.append(( kwargs.get('line', None), level, message )) return result def dummy_write(instance, data): """ Don't write anything on output stream """ pass # Monkeypatch docutils for simple errors/warnings output support utils.Reporter.system_message = system_message # Monkeypatch docutils for real silent errors/warnings (no print on std # output) error_reporting.ErrorOutput.write = dummy_write result = super(RstExtendedRenderer, self).parse(*args, **kwargs) # Unmonkey utils.Reporter.system_message = _original_docutils_system_message error_reporting.ErrorOutput.write = _original_docutils_output_write return result
[docs] def get_messages(self): """ Get a list of formatted messages Returns: A list of messages. """ return map(self.format_parsing_error, self.messages)
[docs]def build_output(source, output_filepath, **kwargs): """ Very basic shortcut helper to build a file from rendered reStructuredText source. Args: source (string): reStructuredText source to parse and render. output_filepath (string): File path where to write rendered source. **kwargs: Arbitrary keyword arguments to give as options to ``rstview.parser.SourceParser``. """ render = RstBasicRenderer().parse(source, **kwargs) with open(output_filepath, 'w') as fp: fp.write(render)